The European Beer Star 2024 will once again be looking for the best beers in the world in a total of 75 categories. Who will win over the international jury of experts and ultimately prevail against the competition from all over the world and receive the
coveted gold, silver and bronze awards? Interested breweries can register themselves and their beers for the renowned beer competition starting on April 2.
After last year’s successful premiere, the European Beer Star expert tasting will once again take place at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center this year. Around 150 beer experts from all over the world will meet there from September 18 to 21 to taste the beer samples submitted. The focus lies on the sensory perception of the individual beers: appearance, aroma, taste and typical varietal characteristics will be assessed by the expert jury. In the end, only the three best beers in each category receive the coveted gold, silver and bronze awards.

Detailed evaluation
Each participating brewery receives a detailed evaluation of the tasting results following the expert tasting. On the one hand, this consists of the points awarded to the individual beers by the expert jury. In addition, the round – preliminary round, intermediate round, final – reached by the respective beer is indicated. A histogram is also provided to classify your own score within the field of participants.
As a further benchmarking option, each beer submitted to the European Beer Star is described in the form of a flavor profile. These are created by the judges during the tasting on the basis of category-specific sensory criteria. Using this flavor profile, the breweries can then compare and classify their own beer in the sensory profile with the gold winner in the corresponding category.
Novelty: up to three beers can be entered in one category
As every year, the advisory board of the European Beer Star has scrutinized and evaluated all categories of the competition.
This year, “German-Style Sour Beer” will be introduced as a new category in the competition.
In this category, beers that are brewed in the style of traditional German sour beers, especially Gose and Berliner Weisse, can be entered. It is important to note that only beers without added fruit may be entered in the new category. German-Style Sour Beers with added fruit can, as before, be entered in the “Sour and Fruit Sour Beer” category.
The key innovation of the European Beer Star 2024 is undoubtedly the removal of the restriction of one beer per category. In future, breweries will be able to enter up to three beers in a category and thus demonstrate not only their quality but also their creativity within a beer style to the expert jury. This is particularly interesting for breweries that have
specialized in a particular beer style and have several versions in their range. This novelty
means that participating breweries no longer have to limit themselves to a single beer per category. However, as before, each beer may only be entered once in the entire competition.
Third round of the Future Award
Following the two successful editions in 2022 and 2023, the European Beer Star Future Award is entering its third round this year. Once again, the European Beer Star sustainability award is looking for breweries that combine outstanding beer quality with sustainable business practices. An interdisciplinary jury not only evaluates the brewery’s activities in terms of the sustainability pillars of ecology, economy, social and cultural aspects, but also assesses a beer from the brewery in a sensory test in accordance with the European Beer Star standard.
Further information and registration: www.european-beer-star.com
At a glance: dates of the European Beer Star 2024
Registration Start April 2, 2024
End of Early-Bird Discount May 17, 2024
End of Registration Period July 24, 2024
Expert Tasting September 18 – 21, 2024
Press contact:
Private Brauereien Bayern e.V.
Benedikt Meier
Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 9
80539 Munich
Telefon: +49-89-29 09 56 0
E-Mail: meier@private-brauereien-bayern.de
About the European Beer Star:
The European Beer Star has been organized by the Association Private Brauereien since 2004 and has long since become one of the most important beer competitions in the world. The European Beer Star honors beers that are unadulterated, full of character and of high quality. Most of the beer styles considered are those that have their origins in Europe. All breweries worldwide are eligible to
participate: local, regional and internationally active breweries, not only from Europe, but from all
countries on all continents. Partners of the European Beer Star are BrauBeviale, BarthHaas, Brauwelt, BayWa, Fermentis, Kalea, Kaspar Schulz, Micro Matic und Rastal.
Further information: www.european-beer-star.com